Let’s Begin


Let’s start at the beginning. Why is the Tarot calling you? What are you needing and wanting right now? Most of us have heard of this mysterious thing called the Tarot. Some of us were told that it was bad, dangerous, something to stay away from. But somehow, somewhere these mysterious pictures have shown up in your life. I can remember when the Tarot first entered my life. It started as an offhand comment by a friend that made me very curious. What is she talking about? What the heck is a High Priestess? This minor comment grew to be a major quest for knowledge, understanding, a modern Holy Grail quest. I had to work with my own negative cultural and religious conditioning to find the courage to  open the door to this great mystery and step over the threshold.


What was available for me almost three decades ago was a few books and a correspondence course from The Builders of the Adytum. I got my lessons through the mail and faithfully returned my money and answers to the questions. I can’t say I always understood the lessons but something in me kept studying until I built the vocabulary and the experiences to take in the wisdom of the cards. Now we have so many more resources to learn about the cards.  Gone are the days when I would hide my few books, card and printed lessons. The world of the Tarot has opened on the internet, blogs, and YouTube. Society is getting more accepting of these images and that is a good thing.  But the Tarot doesn’t open its inner world to just everyone. If the Tarot calls to you then you must be dedicated to accepting the call.  The Tarot is a journey and journeys require work, patients, perseverance, sacrifice but ultimately a reward. This reward isn’t necessarily seen by others, but your heart and soul will know that what you asked for has risen to meet you and support you on your journey for meaning and the call of the soul to know more, to seek the mystery of life.


There are many superstitions and rituals around the Tarot and the handling of the cards, but I want to simplify this. The Tarot cards are pieces of paper, thin cardboard with beautiful pictures.  The cards themselves are not sacred, it is what you do with those cards and the life that they spark in you that is sacred.  Treat them like a dear wise friend. Care for them and don’t make them perform for you. Don’t ask them questions if you don’t really want the answers. Don’t use them to meddle in other’s lives. Don’t trivialize them to others. Don’t use them with other people who are not open to their lessons and advice.  Make you cards special for you and your own private world. The work of the soul is for you alone and the world of the Tarot is a trusted guide on your remarkable journey.  


Note:  I personally use the Rider-Waite Tarot and recommend this version for beginners and students.  After you have learned the lessons of the Tarot, then explore other versions or make your own.